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I believe in fairies, I do, I do.
Elaine.0707 RGS Class of 2010 Fencing Ekam Eveileb I'm coming to find you even if it takes all night;♥ |
At your service.
I believe in fairytales; and wonderous imaginary friends talk
Design: doughnutcrazy |
our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. our deepest fear is that we are powrful beyond measure. it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. your playing small does not serve the world. there is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you. we were all meant to shine, as children do. it 's not just in some of us, it 's in everyone. and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. as we are liberated from our own fear, our presense automatically liberates others. -akeelah and the bee- dont be afraid to do what you want, to get what you want to achieve,your goal, for fear, it blocks your way to greatness. going to leave for beijing on friday. and my dad booked the flight only on monday. darn. it's freezing over there and winter clothes are $$$$$$$ get my point.ahha flight's at 5pm. i think its approx 6 hrs long. so i'll reach there at 11 plus s'pore time and past 1am beijing time. sheesh.tour starts damn early. and checked out the temperature,its negative~ cant wait. i want to be powerful beyong measure. and as a team we are. we are a team. and if one teammate struggles we all struggle with him <3 -coach carter- cooL. lamerSLUG organised a LAMERSINC gathering. which,surprisingly was fun,considering the fact that there were less then 15 people. all-girls. erm.we watched bring it on or nothing or sth like that in the beginning. darn. i think cheerleaders are bitches. who just want FAME AUTHORITY ATTENTION BIG B____ NICE ASSES THE HOTEST GUYS IN SCHOOL WHO DONT GIVE A SHIT. yuck. well,most,90% of them are like that. right. then there was this GREAT misunderstanding. the rest were having fun and me and chris were dead bored. so erm, PZ brought us to her house. and the rest found out that they were not invited and ____ talked bad about us. and we found it kinda p____ shows that as a host, you just cant ever satisfy everybody. there're rules set.rules which make live difficult,really. and then if you go according to it,you'll hurt lots of people. and if you dont,you hurt other people. which,puts you in a crazy position. it's just THAT BAD. we played water bombs~ and we got all soaked. like reallyreally soaked,under the rain. whoa~ speaking of fun. got just we wanted of of fun man (: iguessitoldoffmyccrush but they have no idea who he is. =D yeahh.i had fun (: i wanna fly looking in your eyes. today's not bad~ practised a couple of times,in fact, so many times that i forgot my dance steps -.- charity sixers we're gonna ROCK THE HOUSE~ WOOHOOO damn. tomorrow's the LAST day... NONONONONONONONONONO i dont wanna graduate.evereverever. going lot 1 to watch movie with a whole group of friends. right.it's tomorrow. sigh. it's too damn soon. CHARITY SIXERS ROCKS ON~ PHPPS-ians,PHPPS ROCKS. whoa~ check out charity 6 blog. SOME people summarised OUR whole party. hrmm. today had to teach some P3 pupils some stuff. charity 3 still rocks(: so goody-goody and SMART. haha grace is erm. damn rowdy,noisy and not as clever as charity. humility's got really good pupils too(: almost as good as charity? marcus' dad is cool. unusual~ STEP UP~ dance,dance and more dance =D loveyou. and you know it. AHH. TODAY WAS GREAT AND STILL IS =D had a gathering today. it's GREAT AND FUN(: but i learnt stuff too. -organising parties is super difficult.urgh. BUT I DONT MIND(: it's difficult find something EVERYONE likes to do. like some people want to do this and others wabt to do that. anyway, it's not exactly possible to please everyone right? hrm.yea.everyone ended up playing CAPTAIN's BALL. and i'm betting NO ONE,ABSOLUTELY NO ONE DID NOT ENJOT IT. it was great and totally fun. sigh. but time just flew by too damn fast. i'm wishing this day would never end. it's just too near graduation day. gawd. i feel like crying,now. issit just me or is everyone really bullying kevin? he's damn nice(x oh right. i just like you. I DONT WANNA GRADUATE. I LOVE YOU TO ALL CHARITY SIXERS, [sense the reluctance?] someone asked me something which i didnt answer. and i thought about it.sort of. i intend to answer that question. here it goes. "if some guy really fancied you.and he's a really good erm. choice, would you bother to give it a chance?" WTF? at first i'll think, i dont give a shit. but contemplating, yes.but only IF he's really really erm? great? yep. so yea. but this is possible with only a few guys named erm. you know who. i'm posting this cause you desperately want an answer. so there. but i wont say why yes. a chance.but caught in the middle. loving the feeling of being loved,if i ever am. |