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I believe in fairies, I do, I do.
Elaine.0707 RGS Class of 2010 Fencing Ekam Eveileb I'm coming to find you even if it takes all night;♥ |
At your service.
I believe in fairytales; and wonderous imaginary friends talk
Design: doughnutcrazy |
those who're still wondering, NO i didnt get into dance or softball): omg. UG can you believe it?! ))): hmph. rg's nice luh.obviously. gahh.my com's totally SCREWED.totallytotallytotally): the homework's okay for know if ya'll NYGH-sians are wondering. and i'd rather get on with your cca trial system.whatever that is. grahh.i dont want to be CLE rep! i want PE/CCA/HOUSE rep!! evil people...): yay.charity 6`06 ya'll must get on well. guys! where'd all of your go already? ya'll are like in the SAME school and fighting! justice. arh.miss all phpps and ch6`06 people )': luckily there's LY who somehow doesnt remind me of phpps? haha yay to 110 too... this isnt a happy post. GRAHH. i'm frustrated too huh. where'd you go? yay.this is probably the earliest day i came home from school since school started :D my sis's having her birthday party today. her birthday's tomorrow? oh yeah. happy birthday rui xiong (: aww.i got three latters from my angel and godangel today. -.- gosh i've got to write three letters now.ahah. i'm going for a trial tomorrow. i'll stay till so late again.dangit. oh yeahh.let's re-cap who my PSLs are. JPSL-JIYA-ohoh.the sexy and super funny one (: CHARMAINE-the super pretty one~! and serious at the right time and really nice too :D probably the best friend anyone could have (: looks like a barbie doll with pigtails and braids[?] oh.and that's supposed to be a compliment(: LAURA-the ulatra sweet one! and the pink-ified one(x bet she can pass as a P6-er!haha JINGXIAO-the nice one,who apparently loves to be written to! JIAWEN-the super CHIO dancer!oh yea.she's flamable(x she's super nice! she's just MIGHT be my cca senior! SPSL-ZHIYING-who happens to be the oldest beloved spsl of ours who told me that channing is bi?! PIT-SARAH-the veryvery CHIO guai prfect-in-training who's in the same cca as my angel.ahah sarah's really nice too :D love ya'll! <33 i havent posted sice the beginning of this year! haha so many things've passed sinced. the weeks of orientations really fun :D ohoh.and the camp! 12 JAN: it's the secong last day or orientation. we had station games and 110 came in second(: the cheering seriously made me have a bad sore throat.heh and the night surprise's really nice. yay. PSLs ROCK~! oh yeah. i [we] need to give them some credit forfor the stuff [they did for us]. I LOVE YOU PSLs<3 and our BELOVED CHIO P.I.T<3 :D ohh.sleeping on the floor sucks. it's so difficult to sleep xD 13JAN: our class' concert's nice.yeah.nice. and we got named nicest class. -_- and the sheering seriously made my voice coarse. thought i didnt cheer alot xD out PSLs are so sweet. they gave us this gift they made through the night that's cute. our PSLs still rock. oh yeah.hello angeL [if you've visited] and godangels :D and went for trials for softball. ranked 11.yay! and got kicked for netball.but nevermind. dance trials are on friday.that's what i wanna get into. (: wish me luck~! and. oh yeah. IT's HIS BIRTHDAY TODAY. 15th JAN. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HIM:D to see you<3 |