I believe in fairies, I do, I do.
Elaine.0707 RGS Class of 2010 Fencing Ekam Eveileb I'm coming to find you even if it takes all night;♥ |
At your service.
I believe in fairytales; and wonderous imaginary friends talk
Design: doughnutcrazy |
i was bored. so i decided to do this quiz again, for the second. was ripped from xintong or abby the first time, i think. 1 3 N A M E S 1. Hui Jie 2. Claudia 3. Chew Chia[Shao Wei] 4. Kenneth[lol. he just popped into my head!] 5. Tej[chain effect] 6. Brendan 7. Mei Jun 8. Tiffany 9. Beatrice[lol. her sms-.-] 10. Preacher Willy[just met him. so he just popped into my head too!] 11. Yang Yi 12. Tian Jie[chain effect again] 13. Ying Xin 1) How and when did you meet 10? preacher willy. PHPPS`06! my preacher! 2)What would you do if you had never met 1? huijie. erm. i guess then i wouldnt have someone to bug about to tell me THAT secret and sec school life wouldnt be some nutsy! 3)What would you do if 6 and 1 dated? Brendan and huijie. they dony know each other. and they'll never date each other. i'll make sure of that. 4)Have you ever seen 4 cry? Kenneth. erm. no, but i would be there if he needs. 5)Would 11 and 2 make a good couple? Claudia and Yang Yi. honestly? NO! Claudia needs someone really sweet. no offence. 6)Is 13 cool? yeap! she can act bimb very well, like totally =x [that's so un-me!] 7)Do you think 12 is cute? no comment! LOL. 8)Tell me something about number 3: Shao Wei. erm. she's an social chick. and spends little time doing what rg girls do best. not true. 9)How do you know 8? 211`08! 10.)What's 7's favorite color? i dont know, sorry. i'll ask her tomorrow. but i'm guessing black. and white. 11)What would you do if 6 just confessed he/she fancies you: Brendan. technically, that's not possible. we're sort-of siblings. 12)When was the last time you talked to number 2? this afternoon. 13) Last but not least, tell me about number 9, is this someone that you would date? Hell no! she's a GIRL. and she's a really tanned swimmer fyi. anyone interested? LOL. i'm kidding. no offence meant(: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- when i told my mom about the maroon 5 concert she shrugged and refused to comment. screw. i still have so much to do and there's only 1 and a 1/2 hours before i NEED to sleep. damn. mr de SUSA hasnt posted the PT examples. pffffts. i'm too lazy to continue revising history. *sighs* shall post soemthing about leap years: 2902`08, tomorrow. Legend: Custom allows marriage-minded gals to propose to their boyfriends on February 29. In another form of the belief, men who said no were not on the hook to buy expensive presents for the disappointed girls or to pay fines to the Crown, but their refusals attracted ill fortune to themselves. In yet another twist, if the gal who did the asking had failed to wear a scarlet flannel petticoat, or if a corner of the same were not partly visible under her dress, the man who declined would be spared the ill luck that a turn-down would ordinarily have propelled his way. got a guy in mind? maybe to ask him out? i do, you know. but that's not the point. portugese tarts! the small one's hujie's andthe bigger one's mine! &i swear we didnt plan on bringing portugese tarts to school today! andand we never 'discussed' portugese tarts before. ahha. we bring coincidence to a new level man. anyway, portugese tarts are not exactly egg tarts, they're just somewhat nicer! haha. i heart egg tarts tooo!! foxtrot flats! the green one's nicer! and i picked it out. it's my favourite but it didnt come in my size so i had no choice. the green one's my sister's by the way. i heart my flats! --------------------------------------------------------------- about today, the people i told the story to, hopefully, i was hallucinating. hopefully. omgosh i just got a shock of my life when my phone vibrated. pfffts. whatawonderrfultiming. creeeeepy! ohohoh. i have no softball tomorrow. just notifies about that. lol.i was actually kind of looking forward to it -.- whatawonderrfultiming =x and so, should i or should i not go for creative tomorrow?! i've got to complete the robert graves research for lit, get bio PT profile done and revise history. oh my gosh. should i go?! heh. watch out huijie. sorry in advance for bombarding you with the same questions i have been asking since 'god-knows-when'(: brendan, pleeeaaasee sponsor half the price and go with me! " Jump! (Jump!) Don't wanna think about tomorrow (Jump!) I just don't care tonight I just wanna jump (Jump!) Don't wanna think about my sorrow Let's go Forget your problems I just wanna jump" free falling. the best of it. someone told me something too traumatising for me to believe that it is real and not real. someone________[insert name] told me that someone_______[insert name] ______ [insert L word(not the one you're thinking)] ME. but at the very least, it isnt true! waahahahhaha. omgosh. chinese SA in two days. the horror. i hope i score decently. meaning, a minimum of 3.4 but obviously, i'd rather a threepointsix(: or fourpointohh. and history on friday. history just got more difficult. pffffts. &then its geog and english for the next wed and fri. oh and. MATH PAPER WAS GOOD! haha god bless me. rock-climbing rocks BIG time! next time, i'm gonna climb to the seventh/eighth panel/all the way to the top [for the first/second row la](: ahha. climbed to the sixth panel in a quarter of the time i took last week(: lol. i think cuz i realised my mistakes. and huijie was the only one hollering up to me. it's less pressurising and less confusing! ahah. tomorrow's CLE block is gonna be a blast again, for the i-dont-know what time in a row! i feel it in my blood! LOL!! ah hah! who's gonna donate to the "Sponsor Elaine to get Tickets to the Maroon 5 Concert Fund"? be nice. you'll be generously rewarded for your generosity. you know it! free, untroubled from hims from now. i reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally want to go for MAROON FIVE's CONCERT. will somebody pleasepleaseplease sponsor me. or help me win tickets? pleeeaaaaaseeee? huijie only reallyreally wants to go. so spot the difference. i;HEART MAROON 5 i'm too lazy to change the font colours of previous posts. so highlight them if you wanna read (: came online and had an impulse to blog. shall blog about yesterday! huijie, meijun, jaslyn and i went to JRL yesterday to do guess-what? haha. and product for me: i have to find research on reproductive systems. hah. shocked yet? thing is, i couldnt think of a novel idea to use as our animal[s] reproductive organs and offered to do research on it. yeap! i think it's pretty obvious why they all looked at me immediately when meijun brought up reproductive systems huh. haha. if you get it, then good for you. if you dont, you need to hang out with me more. whahahahaaha. ohohoh and another of my practical jokes. LOL! jaslyn was borrowing borrowing books at the borrowing stations. she took out her wallet to get her ezlink card and she left her wallet at the corner of the table, under her tummy area and started being oh-so-very-intrigued in the scanner. her wallet pretty much disappeared into her sweater hoodie without anyone noticing. whahahha. then she started saying "where is mywallet???where is my wallet??did you see my wallet?!" in her classic high voice mind you. and no one took her seriously, keeping a straight face was seriously tough too. heh. jaslyn was the only one who couldnt figure out who hid her wallet IN HER HOODIE. but then i was the one who told meijun and hui jie where her wallet was and we couldnt keep a straight face after that. oh man. if you have awesome imagination and you know jaslyn, you'll ache from laughter :DD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Singapore needs to win the opportunity to host the youth olympics. Go Singapore (: friend (frĕnd) n.
To befriend. be·tray (bĭ-trā')
tian jie is right. i never thought i'd agree, but now i do. selene say's unknown sources: "I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory." i'm sorry you're just another the last petal which says yes, the answer to my prayers, the humour of it all, i dont know, do i? but i know that for now, you're in my heart and you cant escape. because i too much but you just dont know it yet. because it's too soon. because you dont know it. because i hope, due to ling yue's admitted laziness, the pictures will have to wait): nahhhhh. shant blog about CNY cuz i'm too lazy too !!! mostly, it wasnt the most enjoyable and productive. i slacked all five days (: yeah, that i'm pretty proud of=x math SA1 next week. or maybe not[proud of it]. i finally got hold of ps, i love you!!! it's fantastically awesome(: managed to get james patterson's third book of the maximum ride series. havent started but soon! (: i have 6 books to read. omgosh. i have no time too): dang. libraries arent good places to go when it's near SAs. plus i have two jodi picoult books. pfffts. thy shall not flunk SAs bacause of reading. [but then i didnt flunk psle eventhough i read so much!!] softball tomorrow. nooooooooooooooo! ergh. and on valentine's day. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! oh wells, everyone but he knows what i want. he doesnt realise i even exist so wth. okay. 10.05pm i've got homework! so long(: you're in my heart now. and you cant escape. HAPPY CNY! :D it's 12.25am. haha. huijie said i looked like some newly-graduated teacher in shirt and skirt. pfft. and a couple others agreed i looked anyway, back to pei hwa was okay. i was super tired, no idea why. okay. i know why and dont ask. i guess the nygh charity sixers didnt come early enough. they came when we were leaving ch6`08 classroom. tsktsk. `qing knew it was her sisters classroom cuz it stank=x jkjk. yang yi and tian jie have changed so much in their looks. much more matured[?!] tian jie's got a that funky mushroom hairstyle. it's styled so high, i think it's longer than mine. yang yi's tanner and freaking tall, as usual. kevin's still as shy. marcus' exactly the same? and omgosh. wayne's unrecognisable. he looks like a street basketballer in those american gangster movies. huiwen!'s TOTALLY changed. she lost a lot of weight and has long hair. first time seeing her in two years. heh. oh man. i'm short. that sucks. and everyone lost weight. then we went to JEC cuz lingyue booked tickets for 27 dresses. me, cherie and pingzhaeng didnt watch it cuz we didnt want to. and i've watched it with huijie! plus, watching movie for gatherings are so anti-social. yeah. so the remaining 3 of us ate at pizza hut and shared a couple of secrets during lunch. sweet. found out stuff i didnt [have to] know. i was dumbfounded/overwhemled/couldnt belive it. i cant blog it. but oh wells. then we took neoprints. prettiest ever:D cuz there's only 3 of us and it was easy. and i looked more natural for once. haha i finally realised why i used to look so stiff! =x shant tell! then we went to the library. can you believe it?! cherie wanted to go to the library!! LOL. recomended a few relac-reading books to cherie. and i borrowed 2 romance novels >< then loan quota reached. pfffts. you know there's this pretty big green patch right outside the library? it has huge portholes. and cherie insisted that if we walked across it, it'd be faster. oh man, it was scary. whahahahahahahah. *taps foot to check for holes and steps*LOL. i ended up following cheri's steps in the end. she was weraing shoes and i wasnt. pz followed behind. so when cherie fell into a hole, so did the rest of us. then 27 dresses ended. but cherie, pz and i had to go home. [i had a 3pm curfew.] so we mrt-ed home. and cherie and px got so amused by the way i said mrt-ed as marted. cuz they dont say take the mrt as 'marted' like rg girls do =x was fun. i've got lots of photos taken at phpps. but! i shall post them tmr. lost. softball was bad. dont ask why. i dont hate it but. I SHOULD HAVE JOINED GYM. omgosh. i should have la. softball is ._. get my point? arghhhhhhh. i guess i'm just gonna try to like it. it's the people there. they're intimidating. CLAUDIA! you should have convinced my mom earlier! then i'll be training with you. so much cooler. and dang my brother! he was a HCI gymnast la. [i'm jealous, they're freaking good compared to raffles.] he was the one who put the thought that gym is dangerous in my mom's head. ohh wells, i'll try. shau the pau. okay. chew chia. fine. chew chia shao wei=funny. she's so sweet in trying to be sincere to know him. pfft. unlike some people. specifically, one person. tuttut=x and chew chia believed abouthuijie sharing clothes with a guy older than her. plus huijie admitted it, accidentally. tsktsk. andand. chengjing said, with much conviction, that the shirt in her bag wrapped with a nice plastic with hearts all over it was from huijie's guy. cuz she stayed over at his home and left it there >< lalalala. she'll kill me. but! it isnt good to clobber people and get angry on CNY eve you know. and i didnt put the name(: CNY eve! i'm going back to pei hwa! need i say more? haha. I swore to share your joy and your pain and I swear it all over again i didnt intend to post today but oh well. i needed to to get my mind of something. okayokay. i'm trying to forget it. but hui jie isnt much of a help ._. hehhh. went with hui jie to get clothes for CNY[fro hui jie] at far east today. i still want to clobber huijie for dragging me to far east and not buying anything. pffft. waste time! ahhaa! p.s. me dragging you to all around town/raffles city/citylink/marina isnt something you can kill me about. cuz technically you dragged me there. and i was the dang genius who told you that there is a wallet shop at marina square! wahah. walked all the way there in 5 minutes. i still cant figure how. anyway, i'm nice[ to follow you man]. wahahahhahahahha. meijun and hui jie said i was super high today. tsktsk. dont ask why. and now rain, steph, esther, tai-fanee and sheryl know some fantastically absurb story for it, written and edited by all the more a should kill her. then i went home and got a migrane. [did you realise how funny that sounds?] why am i spouting nonsense? oh right, waye's influence. okay. i should stop ._. the time to talk again. i'll wait. my calves hurt like crap. i'm kind of crippled. if you get what i mean? heh. exercise for elevation ytd caused it. pfft. should have controlled my jumps during the turn. argh, i 'm gonna have to miss rock climbing tmr for pe. i heart rock climbing(: went to some estate supermarket today. which reminds me, singaporeans are a pitiful disgrace. they dont know what being considerate and courteous is. and they definitely do not know how to be a civilised person. uncivilised barbarians would then be appropriate here. yesssssssss! ballet was pretty bad today-2 and a half hours of it. i admit that havent been practising for the whole of this week. but i reallyreally didnt have time): i could do exercise for elevation. it's my favourite free movement exercise. yeah. and so i practice it often. but i screwed exercise for upper back undeniably, i dont like it as much practice, elaine. practice. you know you reallyreally want to do well. we came to learn and correct our mistakes, not show your colour, muh dear. try again(: yaye. CNY eve in three days. then it's slack 3 days. and mug 2. not bad a deal huh. i'm pretty far back in geog, unfortunately. cuz i just cant seem to absorb it. pffft. valentine's day in twelve. you're the reason for the teardrops on my guitar. the only one best romance novels ever. it's so so so. okay. sweet. it's an under statement, considering only by your touch is my favourite romance novel. yeah. but you get my point (: it's so powerful, intense and yet serene. yeap. it's the work of a lady who got married to her highschool sweetheart. a cinderella story. two, to be exact. readers' paradise(: need i say more? YESSSSS. haha. the seventh book in the running. i'm already at pg 273 since this afternoon. wouldnt have put down the book, if not for the fact that i was too darn tired. [and went to sleeeeep!!!] point being, this series rules. alex rider. finally. nearly fell asleep during english and geography today. |