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I believe in fairies, I do, I do.
Elaine.0707 RGS Class of 2010 Fencing Ekam Eveileb I'm coming to find you even if it takes all night;♥ |
At your service.
I believe in fairytales; and wonderous imaginary friends talk
Design: doughnutcrazy |
"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." just let go. went to Taka Mos Burger to study with Wenyuan and Esther! was extremely fun and effective, mind you. we did talk for the first part though. dedicated half an hour after eating to talking and stuff. talking to wenyuan and esther is always sincere, understanding and all. yeah(: then we got down to serious studying! totally Bio. yay. I decided that bio is super interesting. okay. I only liked the topic on pathogens and dieseases. yeah. that was the most thrilling topic, plus we got to watch video clips- lots of them(: our "How to study in a group effectively secret.": 1. Multi-tasking is an absolute must. one must be able to talk, listen, read and write at the same time. this enables not only for you to write notes, revise them, listen to what your friends have to say and contribute effectively. [i'm not even talking about what.] 2. Listening to stories is best done while writing; so is contributing to the story. story only. mind you, i meant like non-academic stuff "stories". 3. Ask each other questions! 4. Others to answer question to best of ability. 5. If no one is able to answer the question, race to see who has it in their notes and can find it. 6. Discuss to make sense of it. 7. For those who do not have it in your notes, note points down! 8. Then stop for 3 minutes to continue talking. 9. Then repeat steps 3-9 over and over again! 10. For best results, be FOCUSED. LOLLERS. ahha. I swear it was effective. learnt ALOT from Esther and Wenwen(: ohoh. then there was this random guy who came. he was staring at me and wenwen the entire time we were there. I realised first then told Wenyuan. damn creepy! he stares at us for like 30 seconds to a minute, then turn to look at his computer for 1 mintue then like stares at us again! yeah. it's like he did it on purpose, to let us know he's staring. and he wasnt even listening to us[he had earphones on]. the way he looked at us was as if he was comparing us to something on the computer. then I started getting ideas that he might be a pervert. thank goodness we [naturally] have but still, what on earth was he doing?! Esther suggested PI.[or a novice at that] yeah right. he was being too subtle, don't you think? we rejoiced when he left after an hour plus later. heh. he was walking out, then turned back to look at us for another 3 seconds before leaving. how freaking creepy is that?! shite him. anyway, had FUN. we should do this more often (: HEARTS; Esther and Wenyuan! you two rock (: poeple have to learn and move on. the world never pauses for anyone. time too, not even. "You're my mask in disguise." David Cook sang Music Of The Night do damn amazingly. was unbelievable. I thought is was fantastic. he was the best tonight. Beautiful. He made the most of every word, tune, second of the song. It was beautiful. yeah. I had an impulse after I heard him sing it. ohmygosh. even Archuleta didnt pulli t off as well! but i'll still be rooting for Archuleta though. Dont you just loveeeee Phantom Of The Opera. phantom; "Literature, is about sex." ~Ruth, who's a prefect. ahh wells. sex is overrated D: ahha. but Ruth said this on superficial terms. so's okay! oh. I suddenly remembered that someone recently told me that people have sex for pleasure I wonder, how?! not that I'd find out soon, mind you! hah. anyway, I'm betting ya'll wouldnt believe that. Jaslyn expects me to get a boyfriend by sec 3. unbelievable. I'm a saint, remember? &I swear that in my entire life, no friend of mine, no one, has ever told me straight in my face: "You, shut up." you're the first damnit. how unfortunate. &again I swear, that no friend of mine, has ever, ever, insulted me like that before. you're the first once again. thanks a fucking million. anyway, went to gelare with Jaslyn & Hemin :D had the time of my life. basically, we ate waffles and ice-cream[passionfruit!] and then we just sat and talked for an hour. Jaslyn and Hemin did most of the talking and I listened and urm, contributed constructively =x we talked about 2 topics. actually, we were more of 'letting it all out'. basically, we've all be keeping something important in our hearts but we don't know who it say it to. yes, so we kind of told each other stuff. mostly, we agreed with each other. I shall not say what we talked about. it's obviously private. yeah. for me, I finally saw understood everything that has been happening and my urm, suspicions have been proved right. hah. and they thought me that good friends arent only those you talk to everyday. they're those who are willing to hear you out. hearts you too loads!:D -------------------------------------------------- and again , I'd like to dedicate this to someone: those times I said I don't rally know who you are, I finally see part of it. I'd like to say you're a hypocrite, a liar, an ego maniac, a mean, evil person. but I shant say all that. basically, you cant stand others being better than you. you must have your way all the time. you take advantage of people all the time. you are always trying to attract other's attention. you are always whining so they would pity you over a useless, minute matter. you simply cannot accept defeat. you despise those who defeat you. you insult those who beat you. you lie about who you are. you suck up to people shamelessly. you do not care about other's feelings at all. you are spoilt. you think you are the best, perfect. but truth is you are a desperado. you want to be everything you are not. you cannot be yourself, not that I know who you really are. you just lost the trust I had for you. you just lost a friend. this probably does not matter to you. but I know what will; you just lost everyone who thought you were for real. I'm too damn sure that'd affect you. you're just that desperate. ------------------------------------------------ he's so sweet. "Me: ______ is weird. Huijie: I can say the same about you. Me: I like weird people!" not quoted word for word. my memory's kind of bad; there's more but I can't remember the funny part >< LOL! Meijun, Huijie and I went out for a proper outing again! the last time we we went was like a million years ago. bussed to KFC. lol. Meijun's urm, favourite. I'm damn sick of it D: but still! anyway, I havent laughed so much in ages. yes, had a normal conversation with both of them. mostly, we caught up about the person wooing Huijie and my relationship with the another person while Meijun stared blackly at us. lollers. then we included her in the convo. yeah, I felt bad =x guess who we talked about? abcdefGhijklmnopqrstUvwxyz! [switch around] erm. it's just the pronunciation of someone's name >< yeah. and he's back but he's in school. so then we Huijie said awwwwwww! and perfect timing, 3 Doors Down's Here Without You was playing. Huijie and I were saying what an appropriate atmosphere it created then Meijun was all HUH?! she has erm, hearing inconsistencies. she couldnt decipher the lyrics. yes, anyway, was hilarious. [Huijie I found the name and artist of that song cuz I heard it again on 987!] yeah, then we started a discussion about the status of the current music industry. verdict: terrible values, deteriorating at the speed of light. okay. the second part is my opinion. seriously, all they can write about now, is sex, sex, sex and more sex. worse of all, they describe girls like sex object all the time. perfect example: "I Got It From My Mama" by Will.i.am. I doubt I need to explain why. the reasons are explicit in the song. sex? Maroon 5. and just plain meaningless? just about all mainstream songs. I know I love Maroon 5 but come to think of it, I like it for the sounds they make. the lyrics, once you decipher it, made me wonder WHY am I liking a band that makes such songs? they teach simply the wrong ethics. there was quality. now, there's just quantity. from the legendary Elvis Presley, to Michael Jackson to Queens, to trash. what happened? I'll tell you what happened. looks became more important than anything else. what's in now? anyone and everyone will go after celebs because of how they look, not who they are. I mean, who they are doesnt even matter! look at ParisHilton, ChristinaAguilera, ZacEfron, Jolie+Pitt. fake. stuffed with silicon, bulding breasts spilling out of their minute shirts. beautiful artificial face injected with botox on what? a daily basis? pre-marital sex and babies. all sounds too familiar to you? maybe, you now think it sounds right. the power of media. all fakes, sadly. "I close both locks below the window I close both blinds and turn away Sometimes solutions aren't so simple Sometimes good bye's the only way" ~Linkin Park, Shadow of the Day yet I don't really know what. the following post is dedicated to someone: for the past times, thanks. it was wonderful, those few. talking about nearly everything. but you're someone I cannot tell everything to. thing is, half the time, I don't really know who I'm talking to. sometimes, you're you. sometimes, I don't know who you are. thing is, I don't even know when you're you and not. I don't really know you, .bestfriend. we aren't who I thought we could be. I erected the wall between us. you thickened it. a million times I which I'd tell you straight, but then I wonder, can our relationship take the strain? problem is, I still don't know. "If you gave someone your heart and they died, did they take it with them? Did you spend the rest of forever with a hole inside you that couldn't be filled?" thing is, I don't even know where my heart is. I misplaced it. I like every part of him. problem is, there isn't. not anymore; not for the longest time. "Me- damn. you make me a saint. RH- lol. arent you?" that's not the first time D: yeah fine. i'm a SAINT. tsktsk. Thou shall aim to be less of a saint. yeah right. hmm. my sister's SYF's was not bad :D cant beat watching RGchoir though >< hopefully, phpps bags at least a silver. I just realised how important a conductor was. even the best untrained voices need brilliant conductors. or they're nothing. hmm. Mrs Foo had super high expectations. I guess she realised that a change of conductor was necessary. school. oh was same old same old. exams in ONE week. SHITE! ohoh. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIRLYN! haha. she gave everyone cookies from subway! :D:D:D hmm. went to paragon for dinner. SPAGEDDIES is the bomb. they serve the most awesome pastas on earth! :D:D I swear. yes, anyway, my dad bought me an apple after that. i just wanted to try the American apple sold, mind you. yeah anyway, american apples arent nice D: the best are still new zealand ones. lol. damn random. but, I heart APPLES! LOL!! then I bought a milky bar which I cant eat for now D: I couldnt restrain myself from slipping one bar off the shelf. they're my favourite. I want to type a very inspiring paragraph about. oh nevermind, i'm too lazy and busy. hah. right. another stranger, another day. no heartbreaks, I swear. "Life a is a lot more messier then you like." ~Mr Lim Er Yang quoted word for word. haha. that's an under statement. there's nothing more I hate than my life. Kristy Lee Cook got eliminated. she doesn't deserve it at all. come to think of it, neither did Michael. both of them are good. and actually, I like Michael better than I thought! haha. his pants are always damn tight though =x which makes him super cute when he shimmies. =x=x=x and I still think David Cook's voice lacks the oumph! David Archuleta though, sings with some sort of conviction and sentiment[?]. yeap:D -------------------------------------------------------------- my throat still hurts. and the antibiotics sucks. makes me super drowsy and causes ttttterrible headaches. I have to take it for 3 more days! pffffttts hah. my sis' SYF is tomorrow! I'm going to watch her :D at VCH, 4pm! cool right. my mom and dad are going then we'll probably slack the night away :D movies, dinner, shopping and all? perfect. today was just plain. was happy half the time. and veryveryvery confused and hurt the other half the time. my life's a mess. so I guess getting sick under it all is, inevitable. in fact, I think it's a way I get to escape it, you know. I hate it. D: oh wells. at least geog was a consolation. aced it like never before. well, it was not overly unexpected. it was easier than usual. but then there were some. screw you. when you look forward to nothingness. "No fairr! I'm not even up to as tall as your ponytail..." Rachel was innocently standing in front of me when I was trying to look past her shoulder AND REALISED I COULDNT. pffffts. Ms Sim said that it was a cute way of putting it. it, referring to me being uhm, short. D: !! ahha. ILL. I didnt go to school today cuz i'm on MC, again. might not be going tomorrow either): it sucks to have sore throat. it makes it impossible to speak. yeah. and it's highly contagious. i wonder how =x damn. means I have to retake my 2.4 since I can't take this week at all D: and damndamndamn. I freaking missed dance today)): and BIO! sorry esther! jeez. I'll have to learn the steps from scratch all over again. BIO's damn interesting, now that I just started listening in class=x oh wells, i am really giving Mr De Souza his present BY NOT HAVING SCHOOL :D:D:D LOLLERS. it's Mr De Souza's birthday is today by the way! that makes 2 people I know who have their birthdays falling on 16 April I'm feeling super tired and my brain's kind of slow today. must be the medicine D: oh which reminds me, yesterday's bio finally made me understand why I need to complete the antibiotics I was given =x LOL! the most meaningful song in the list. it's nice that even when you're feeling and looking your worse, there's still someone who still thinks you're beautiful. "You'll never be lonely if you learn to befriend yourself." ~David Archuleta food for thought. anyway, the way he dang 'Angels' was just too damn good. I don't get how his voice can be so powerful and the best part of his voice- HIS TEXTURE. remarkably rousing. oh. and I guess Michael Johns going home was a sooner or later thing. sad. I think Archuleta's biggest rival is Cook. Cook had the weirdest voice ever=x ironic, I know. LOL. i'm just biased against him, sorry. andand when he tries to reach high notes his becomes terrible. but really, I think there's always something wrong with the way he dresses. I like Castro too. he's got a serene unique voice. I cant decide for the females. BUT. I like White :D ahh. I STILL WANT ARCHULETA TO WIN :D ----------------------------------------------- spelling bee. sorry, was spellbound. Hadley lost. Ms Ong got humiliated. wasn't the best times. ------------------------------------------------ going for both ORA and OM tomorrow. cool right :D but the thing is, i'm not looking forward to tomorrow or the day after and definitely not next week. D: don't ask why D: ------------------------------------------------- oh wells, OM-ers did well for Spontaneous I think. GOOD FOR THEM ((: oh and; GOOD LUCK FOR Singapore Finals TOMORROW :D ahha. lastly, GOOD LUCK YANG YI, FOR SCRABBLE. pleasepleaseplease DONT GET DISTRACTED. IT IS NOT WORTH IT. hoho, tag replies- zx: lol? nice countdown >___<> can't wait I guess>< zx: hav fun at the concert O_o and yay cant go =D i am so sadist. i dunno why. tsktsk. that's cuz you CANT go either. LOLs. zx: lol when did yy start using rawr? o_o yeah. good point. try ROAR- its more impactful. HAHA yy: nah maybe not. its uncivilised. xD I'm proud of you. LOL. yy: i feel like flooding. my fingers are itchy NEED ME TO HELP YOU SCRATCH?! LOL yy: RAWRRAWRRAWRRAWRRAWR. ROAR. yy: RAWR. i'm still emo about the concert thing. oh, fret not. there's always nest time:D Carmen: bwahahaha. oooh you're going to the concert. cool. yeah. are you? esther: AHAHA that rain thing is damn cool haha im surprised by your literary talent :0 esther: hui jie's favourite teacher must have rubbed off on you right. you blatantly insulted me in the face!HMPHS D: lol. nope. huijie's favourite teacher has no effect on me((: heeehee. must be a *new* hidden talent huh! ohoh. or HOW COULD YOU KNOW KNOW THAT THERE's ALWAYS BEEN A POET IN ME?! lollers. zh: hi. aye. hey. yy: if it makes you feel any better i can't go to the click five concert while you can. RAWR. I've replied to that tag. but let me reinforce. I'd rather you go with me :D denise: oh and i tagged. cue smiley face. *narrows eyes* denise: HEY ELAINE I THINK ABOUT that kind of weird emo stuff all the time. Oh, and by the way...I still cant tell the difference in your fringe. It looks exactly the same. but its probably only me, as usual ahh. yeah it's the time of our live right? ): but it's super short now! and doesnt cover my eyes and stuff! oh yeah. I KNOW it's just you =x LINGYUE: still making a difference after all! remember the greates gift? LOL. yupp, im a bit incoherent now. xD, MUST BE HIGH LIKE ME ALL THE TIME! haha. haha. yeah I sure do. but! I don't have what he has. we're different D: LINGYUE: AHH ELAINE DON'T EMO!! there IS a reason we're in this world. if not we won't be in this world at all! and the reason no matter how small a part we play in each another person's life, you'll I've guess you're right. thing is, I'm doing one of the smallest part ever, I think. but THANKS anyway :D small steps, small steps. zx: yy is nice and sweet =D lol. no comment :X xD emo post. but i guess everyone goes through this period O_o the period of meaningless life. the life ryuto is experiencing inevitably): but can I skip it? oh and yy, yeah starting posts with a quote is meaningful, TO ME. yeah. and it makes my blog more, well, distinguished! :D:D:D 51 days! the joys and DREADs of life. "You know that feeling where everything feels right? Where you don't have to worry about tomorrow or yesterday, where you feel safe and know you're doing the best you can? There's a word for that, it's called love. L-O-V-E." that's how I feel about the last part of today. ahha. haven't been so happy in ages. yeah. and my cough is curing! lollers. let's see, today's school was pathetically uneventful. except that I attended half day of school((: when I entered class, Ms Ong quite immediately said: "You're late because you went to see the doctor in the morning before you came to school right?" which stunned me at first. haha then I went: "urmmm. yeah!" anyway, that was kind of predictable la, considering that she was staring at me coughing spastically with a bewildered expression on her face yesterday. ------------------------------------------------------ spelling bee. eeee. shall see who's going then decide tomorrow(: hmm. went for creative today too. was fun. damn. I don't like Sunday classes D: speaking of weekends, ORA's SATURDAY. but I'm not going, unfortunately. it's held at RI and then I have to go ACSI to support OM. I'm to lazy to travel D: therefore, I shall just support the OM-ers :D plus I'm not running ): the more I shouldn't go. damn. nothing to say. ohoh. 52 days. I need to get out of the world of my own. "I like to smile when its natural. I'm not mad or anything. That's my style." ~Jesse Mccartney Jesse Mccartney's 21st Birthday. :D:D:D anyway, some to think of it, it's so unfair! he's TWENTY-ONE already. and i have to wait SEVEN more years!! damn. he should stop growing older. hmph. LOL. 40 more days till his new album is released. then I can [yangyi, I put it in a less crude way (:] -------------------------------------------------- DANCE MODULE! the JIVE. my partner's ESTHER! haha. she dances well. and I think she's become more laidback, thanks to cheer leading:D yaye Esther! haha. we rock jive. --------------------------------------------------- it was fun talking to you. a stranger yet so familiar. 53 days. take me there. "You know I was kidding when I said I'd stop fan-girling right?!" eeee. sorry I can't help it ><>David Archuleta becomes the 7th American Idol. ohoh. i remember we were 'sposed to listen to 'Imagine' by John Lennon. and the day before, I was checking out David singing it. heh. but one of the best songs he has sung would be Smoky Mountain Memories(: ahha. okay random! ------------------------------------------------------ HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAIN! Isn't it wonderful you rhyme with Elaine? Sometimes you're a pain. And I couldn't be more happy to send you off in a train. But then I know that that would be no gain. So I tie you up with a chain And dump you in a drain. When I've taken the strain, [of not having you around] I'll bring you to the plain, Where you'll finally become sane. Then, I'll light a And wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RAIN! woohoo! I found more words rhyming with our names. and made this(: ahha. LOVE YOU LOADS RAIN! ----------------------------------------------------- ahh. changed seating arrangement in class. I don't like my seat. WTH. now meijun and huijie sit so damn far from me %$%^*&*()*&##$@^! and I can't see nothing on the darn whiteboard): haha. but! YIFENG is damn nice:D so no worries there I guess(: ----------------------------------------------------- the click five. countdown- 54 days. immobility. "Crazy people don't sit around wondering if they're nuts." ~Jake Gyllenhaal cooL! means I am not crazy(: ------------------------------------------------------------ what I need now is motivation. & more importantly, INSPIRATION. gosh. it isnt easy to find SOMEONE to inspire me. Daniel Radcliffe did last time, but not anymore. he's just an object of my admiration now. speaking of motivation, I'm working towards a deal I made with my dad for The Click Five concert ticks :D i'll get the ticks before I reach that goal. it's amazing, isnt it?to find a goal so soon i meant. haha. guess who else is going. ohh. you wont. my dad allows cuz it isnt hard rock/metal and the lyrics arent from Adam Levine=x ohmygosh. Joey Zehr! & Ben, Kyle, Joe and Ethan! the bomb. ----------------------------------------------------------- "Every man goes through a period of thinking they're attracted to another guy. " ~Jake Gyllenhaal I don't need Jake to say that. it's almost like a universal truth. applies to us females too. don't even deny it. it's a tiny thing, not a big one. not like ohmygod, i think i'm les! kind of thing. it's hormones, nothing more. it's the only way we know if we're straight [or, well...] yeah. i'm just glad i'm totally over that, ages ago. he now was. i'm sorry i'm not good enough for you, jerk. she was giving me a lecture on being responsible and stuff. then she made me stand in front of her in silence for about half and hour. and then it struck me that my life is meaningless. through that half hour I was thinking about my goals in life. I had none. then I started thinking about what I am currently doing. and I asked myself why I was a student. why was I studying? and I realised that I had no goal in life. I realised that there are a million people out there who would like the life I have. they'd think I should treasure the life I have now. and I know that I'm possibly a thousand times luckier than millions out there. but what is the point of my life when there is no point? what am I working towards? what would be the difference if I cease existence now? maybe that my family will be sad. is that all? then I don't see why I shouldn't cease to exist now. it doesn't make much a difference, does it? all the time, effort I spent making myself perfect? why? even now that I've ceased to care, all they care about is how irresponsible I've become. I'm fourteen, not three. true. but what I care about of life isn't the same anymore. it just started raining. and by instinct, I got out of the damn chair and went to close then windows. then I thought about what I just did. when I got out of my chair, I didn't realise what I was doing. I just did it. maybe if you asked me if I closed the windows an hour later, I'd probably would not even remember if I did. why? life to me, is monotonous. I don't even see a reason for the little things I do anymore. like why I wake up in the morning everyday. and where school's the same to me, whether monday or friday. I'll just sit and wait for time to pass, to hold it till dismissal time. then I dread going home, but do so anyway. homework-I'll leave it to the last minute. why not? I don't even see the point of completing it. but I'll complete it because I know I have to. because I have to live up to other's expectations. so then I'll be more perfect in their eyes. I don't live for perfection. I detest perfection. but I have to live to perfection because I'm living the life of everyone but myself. I work for THEIR expectations while I have none of my own. after that silent half hour with her, she said: "what wrong have you done?" I was shocked. did she think that for that whole half hour, I was thinking about that? crying about that? for a whole half hour? if I had been, I would be defiant, not in tears. I've changed, true enough. but because I don't see the point in living, ANYMORE. when you start thinking about why you did it, you'll see that everything isnt what it is anymore. Guess what. I CUT MY HAIR :D it's shorter now. eh no. it's LONGER. pfft. whataredundant statement. anyway, i've got short fringe again! heh. doesnt look like me to me >< and my ponytail's really short now, compared to previously. I like the back of my hair :D ------------------------------------------------------------ second day in a row i'm not in school(: according to the doctor, my stomachache[which wasnt so much of stomach] was caused by the cough med which meijun says smells like honey. tsktsk. it isnt so sweet anymore. yeah anyway, it caused 'inconsistencies'. hurt alot. oh yeah, I only knew I would not be going to school on both days at like 6.30am so no one knew >< -------------------------------------------------------------- Meijun's birthday tomorrow:D:D:D HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLINGG! lol. she'll freak out if she sees that. therefore: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLINGGGG! I HEART YOU:D now you can stop saying random lame hilarious stuff which makes me and huijie laugh our hearts out :D ---------------------------------------------------------------- THE CLICK FIVE LIVE IN SINGAPORE! tickets go on sale tomorrow! 98 bucks now!! I WANT TO GO! remember the last time I swore to go to the next Click Five concert? I didnt know it'd be so soon! but still! I WANNA GO!! holey shite! I REALLY WANNA GO!!! --------------------------------------------------------------- i'm practically in love with David Archuleta! "For the thousandth time: Frankly, I don't give a shite anymore. And I mean it this time." thanks to all those who did the quiz below ((: it's obvious what the results are. it was obvious even before we did it though=x ------------------------------------------------------ had a *heaven* of a time with Esther and Wenyuan at long-johns. heh, long-john brings back good ol' memories. actually, I honestly would not mind though, to restart, to re-live. because some things inn my life hasnt gone as well as I would have wished. anway, the 3 of us sat in long-johns for about 2 hours, wishing various people Happy April Fools. [don't wonder how] yeap. 2 hours of it. mostly, we couldnt do it properly cuz we were laughing/giggling. and Esther took that job :D argh. so annoying that I can't post the whole thing here =x -------------------------------------------------------- Meijun's birthday in 3. what should I get her?! she unexpectedly became one of my best friends this year. the trio. we love each other like sisters. Tag replies:D LY- she asked us to do some research on our own and to refine all details etcetc. Bernice- LOL. I don't like 110, but i didnt say i dont like you! haha. tsktsk, emoing's overrated. yeah. whoa are you sure you're Bernice?! haha. yeah. we've got to look for our own happiness. Pris- heyy. thanks :D Carmen- haha. I dislike it D: I love SPRITE :D TJ- oh shite. did you getit? sorry manx. messenger's damn screwed. don't be mad I sent it to you kay. i'm mad with it myself >< hemin- yeahhh. damn CUTE! butbut. if you look at it while its playing some emo song, it feels mixed up and strange. yy:zx/zx:yy- I shall ignore that *blank look* ._. YY- yeahhh. I LOVVVVEEE SPRITE!! haha. aww shucks. but no one else gets that): oh wells.SPRITE STILL ROCKS. Brendan-whatever. ---------------------------------------------------------- you leave me questioning, you jerk. |