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I believe in fairies, I do, I do.
Elaine.0707 RGS Class of 2010 Fencing Ekam Eveileb I'm coming to find you even if it takes all night;♥ |
At your service.
I believe in fairytales; and wonderous imaginary friends talk
Design: doughnutcrazy |
"There was a couple, a boy and girl who were dating one night. The boyfriend was driving on a motorbike. The boyfriend was driving really fast and his girlfriend asked him to slow down. He said: Tell me you love me. So the girl said: I love you darling. Now, will you slow down please? Then he said: Hug me. And she did and said again: Will you slow down nowwww? He said: Darling, take my helmet off my head and put in on. And she did as told. The next day, it came out on the newspaper that a bike had crashes, killing the driver instantly. Truth was, the boyfriend's bike's brakes had jammed and it was impossible for him to stop. He chose to hear his true love tell him she loved him and feel her hug him one last time and then chose to die to save her." this story brought tears to my eyes. I don't know what struck me or whatever. Maybe I never expected the ending to be like that. but it touched me like crazaye. guess there's such a thing as true, selfless love in this world. if a guy did that for me (though I hope he will never have to), he'd have died my hero and one true in my heart forever. you see, I've never really been convinced that there was such a thing as true selfless love. so... ----------------------------------------------------------------- 31st July(: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEATRICE!<3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY KORKOR(: love you two alright! and to Beatrice (i'll get her to read this) : hey darling! oh man, you're like the coolest tuition friend ever. ahah! you get privileges when with me (like holding my carebear for as long as tuition lasted, getting to hear random stuff about me and seeing (haha) today:D) your fickle-mindedness, rash acting, words said without thinking through, your hyper-activeness sometimes and your whoa! appetite makes you all but boring. you're sometimes the most amusing person who does everything but what people would expect you to do. know what? I need someone like you in my life, to get me out of my prim and proper coop. you brought amusement and crazy laughter to me and everyone else you're with, I bet. I like it when you fall all over yourself. and get up like it doesn't matter to you at all. and the most amazing thing is that, it really does not matter to you. but hopefully, the way you choose your man in future will not be the way you choose what to eat or drink. hahahahha:D but don't stop talking too much alright. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING. I LOVE YOU TO PIECES(: maybe my mind is not that made up. next time, I won't give in to distractions. Everything you are makes me want you even more<33 Can't wipe that too-wide smile off my face. there's nothing better than an awesome day to start the weekend(: and yeah, today's the most awesome day since The Click Five concert:D and believe it or not, it all started in school. oh, and intellectual discussions with Alisa always veers off the right track. which, makes it interesting =x chinese was first block today. and it was super slack(: liu lao shi's a million times cooler and more fun. watched some cheesy video to begin the class as usual. and then she held unusual and fun discussions with the class. yes, we actually learn stuff and have fun during her chinese lessons(: next best was history, second block. history's always almost fun(: yeah. for me, having fun in history's like something self-explanatory? mmhmm. then geog was pretty okay too. finally figured out how to do an essay. shall do it later tonight cuz it's due tomorrow at noon! then science! ahhaha. Mr Lau was fascinated by the little present Claudia gave him. guess what it is! LOL. anyway, it's the little toy thingy that is from the mamee noodle snack thingy which Claudia has put together. yeah, then he started rolling it on the table for like a minute, super erm, engrossed in looking at how it works and whatsoever. yeah/ then Claudia was telling him that if he could take it all out and re-asemble it together again, he can be an engineer -.- he didn't do that though. heh. then he continued to be fascinated by it, looking and playing with it in his hands. while Yifeng, Ryl, Claudia and I were like laughing our heads off. seriously! it's so weird. then erm, I asked him if i could so pee. and he was like "no!" i'm like, "whyyyy!" "cuz you always go to the tiolet during my lesson!" "No I dont!" then I went back to my seat and like crossed my arms and pouted for like 2 seconds and then started talking to Yifeng and he came over and said, "You're sulking because I don't let you go to the toilet?! I can't believe that." and I was like "nooooooooo!" hahahah. and then he said "Do you want to go and do you need to go?" then I said need and he asked when was the last time I went to the toilet that day. I gave him this -.- look. hahahahahhah. and he let me go after I told him it was before school even started. Mr Lau is the weirdest teacher ever. oh yeah, he spent the last 20 minuted talking to Yifeng, Ryl, Lanqiao, Claudia and I about what occupations we should be when we grew up and he started explaining the hos and whats about psychiatrist(Ryl) and erm, I can't remember what -.- it was mostly about subject-combi that started the whole thing. yeap. was pretty useful- what he said. yeah, but I wanted to ask him about my secret ambition but there was someone around so I didnt. haha. it isnt a secret la. just that I don't want to tell people that my dreams are not that of the average people. [I told Alisa and Esther today though. first people I've ever ever told. look below] then, after school went out to LJS to eat with 211 fencers and yirong the CJ. felt a little awkward cuz there wasnt much to talk about. ended up me and alisa kept talking about fencing which Esther was not included in since she ponned last two trainings (tsktsk) oh yeah, FREE FENCING IS SUPER FUN. Alisa was telling me about the hows and what of it(: esther and the rest sat there and sulked. ahha. guess why! whoops =x then after lunch, had 211 fencers outing! was the bomb of the day. first, alisa, esther and I stayed at far east to shop for stuff to give to shao and ryl for their concert that's happening now(i didnt buy tickets) we almost bought shao this minute tube. hah. note the word almost! oh yeah, I WANT A SMURFS SHIRT! and A ANKLET. cost $15 and $7 respectively. yeah. junyang buy me the anklet alright (: then we went to Lido. but there were absolutely no suitable movie timings D: so we went for a high tea. at The Coffee Connoisseur. we felt super out of place at first. it's kind of like a place for adults/people to hold discussions over coffee. Alisa was all "You guys must learn to enjoy life and stop worrying about $$$ manx." and me and esther gave her this -.-, once again. so anyway, we took more than 10 minutes trying to decide what kind of coffee to get. they're all super ex. but alisa settled with a plain, hot coffee 4.30 bucks. esther, some peach yogurt which looked really nice and me, a choco mint cafe latte mocha(: was awesome. like for the first time ever, I drank latte without feeling like puking. yeah, i'm not usually a latte person. but I think the taste of latte was covered by the mint ad mocha flavour(: ahha. usually, I drink frappucino(: maybe I should have gotten the choc mint frappucino instead. except that it's like more ex. (DARN, WHY DO THEY KEEP PLAYING SONGS SANG BY THOSE GOING FOR SINGFEST?!) okay random. listening to 987fm as usual and they have been doing that since the beginning of the week. anyway, let me continue. hmm. we started playing truth or truth! Alisa went first. pretty useful info I got out of her. then they asked me why I like him so much. hmm, never really though about that. then last question. Tell me about your dream/fantasy life. we all had to answer that. erm, mostly, alisa and esther wanted rich husbands (J for alisa), great jobs, becomes taitais of crazy wealthy husbands, live in WHOA mansions, drive 10 over WOW cars. only difference is that Alisa wants to retire at 20+ while esther wanted to work till a littler older. know what? my dream life is anything but close to theirs. none of what they said actually applies to me dream life. hahahaha. it's far from theirs. so anyway, I'm definitely NOT saying it here. so if you want to know, ask me directly. I'll tell you if I CAN alright(: anyway, the first word Alisa said after I described my dream life was"unglam". ahahhahahah. you know, I don't want to live my life to be glamorous. I'm a not so glamorous but not to the point of unglamorous sort of person. so, anyway, did that comment tweak your curiosity about what my dream life is? ahah(: okay, then we started talking about typical teenage stuff after we finished acting like taitais. LOL. we were talking about our maids (Alisa's got servants!) and if we've done the washing, and about the curfews of wives of rich, big-shot husbands so that we can cook up a fab meal for them and give them what they need at night. yeap. funny right. awfully amusing, to be exact. yeah anyway, Alisa giggles like mad when we talk about J while I hyperventilate in erm, excitement when [fill in](: rah! I'm becoming like Alisa. this has NEVER happened! D: ALISA. ALL YOUR FAULT! ahhahahah. so anyway, then we prank-called people(: and I got really confused. oh wells. we had an awesome time at TCC. know what, I really really love my 211 fencing mates. you guys are the love(: continuing... we went to borders next. and homygosh. we had a *heaven* of a time laughing at Alisa giggling. LOL. ho. such a fabulous time in Borders. we spent more than an hour at the Paperchase section looking at cure/random/highly amusing things. heh, could not think of a better word to replace things! oh, we were looking for gifts for Ryl and Shao. so anyway, I told them what to get withing 5 minuted of entering but they did not listen to me and so we spent lots of time examining random things and talking about them. gosh, I kept going off-track in my train(s) of thought. kept coming up with "wrong" stuff. heh. Alisa linked it to my dream life and kept saying I had a pervy little mind. which, by the way, is seriously not true. I JUST HAVE A FLEXIBLE MIND ALRIGHT. ahha. yeah, it was just for jokes. andand, most memorable thing which happened at Borders, there was this rubber duck with funky rubber strings sticking out of its head. so we started playing with it. and every single time ALISA TOH pulled one of the flexi strings and let it go, she'd giggle hysterically. so she did that about 6-7 consecutive time. then Esther and I gave each other ?! looks and burst out laughing [like mad] too. then we made Alisa keep doing it. and she cant keep a straight face while doing it even after doing it for the tenth time. she just has to giggle. which was, to me and esther, highly amusing. oh then we saw this book about birth dates and you. so we checked out our own plus our (haha)'s. got a *heaven* of a laugh when our imaginations ran wild. gosh. Alisa's had something about her other half needing to give her space and freedom for 'her own interests'. WHAT ARE YOUR INTERESTS ALISA?! oh and J had something about him being a successful businessman. which just made it all a little complicated. but that's what Alisa needs. or probably not. heh. and guess what! after one and a half hours or so, they finally took what I picked out for them to buy like an hour twenty-five minuted ago and bought them. :D:D:D and then I had to go home, about 6.15 by then. yes, today's the best day of my life in a veryvery long time. LOVE YOU GUYS(: ps. drinking coffee makes us high. so unless you're in for it, dont' invite us for high tea. oh wait, I take that bag. Invite us, we'll make it a helluva of a time for you all alright. promise! "We always see smart men with dumb girls but we hardly ever see smart women with dumb guys." now we see that men cannot really be smart. whahahahahahah. started cook module today! guess what. making sandwiches, papaya boats and milo is so unusual manz. LOL. note the sarcasm. heh, I can't wait till we start cooking something real(: hearts cooking! rah. Mrs Abbas kept picking on me today D: first she was like "Elaine, I'm very worried about your hair you know." ahha. yeah well, it was messy. bad hair day D: then she was like Elaine this and Elaine that. but then again, she sees me the moment she lifts my head cuz my unit is like right in front. :D no wait! I have absolutely nothing against her! I think Mrs Abbas is a cool teacher :D I'm just you know, conspicuous. haha. kidding alright(: can't wait till we bake! hmm. slept at 1.30am yesterday, chionging history PT. darn. after all my vows not to do that again, oops I did it again D: I WILL NOT DO THE SAME THING FOR SCIENCE PT DUE FRIDAY! I'll try(: slept for 2.5 hours this afternoon but I'm still super tired! rahhhh. DIE PTs, DIE! thou shalt do as much of science PT by tonight as possible. oh yes I will. I WANNA GO SINGFEST `08. pleaseplease buy me tickets. !! currently in love with you. "The night is darkest just before the dawn." The Dark Knight best movie yet. "Love me tender, Love me dear, Tell me you are mine. Ill be yours through all the years, Till the end of time." ~Elvis Presley as sung by Archuleta I've come to realise after today. have you? RHD tomorrow(: AWESOME. school ends at 11am, no lessons(: gosh, it just struck me that I DONT HAVE TO CHIONG ALL MY HOMEWORK NOW! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D LOL. random. i'll admit that i've been totally slacking for the entire APCG week. made little progress for history and science PTs and havent finished chinese zuo wen and lab report. but, I WATCHED QUITE A BIT OF THE O.C! that, is an accomplishment. ahhahahah. Love The O.C(: I think i've mentioned this before, but Summer and Seth, cutest couple ever! rah. I'm recovering from well, you know(: (if you don't guess!) argh. I know I can't blabber it all our here D: but heck, I'm freaking happy! okayokay. ignore this paragraph =x class outing. was quite fun(: stained my favourite pair of FBTs with oil. shitez. I WANT A NEW ONE! heh. i'll get my dad to buy for me asap. hmm. got to like know some 211-ers better(: 211 really does rock:D okay. shall post pictures on class blog when i'm free and feeling hardworking =s funny, my erm, current refusal to post class outing photos totally defeats the purpose of me being the person who took photos =x but I will post them, eventually la(: band concert- was okay. finnaly found out that I really can't stand for 2-hour long music concerts. I think I'd have been to stay awake better if the music had lyrics. yeahh(: butbut. JOANNE LOOKED SO CUTE IN A SKIRT(: and she's got a nice family, some to think of it. today's my mom's birthday. except, we're just not on exceptionally great terms with her lately. so whatever. blogging is good for me when i'm hyper. it makes me less so =x I wonder why. you're not just another one. you're the one. &i'm not going to give up so easily. "I'm coming to find you If it takes me all night Wrong until you make it right" ~ The Killers<3 you know I will. for you, I 'll always will. rah. havent been updating regularly lately =x been really busy and lazy to blog =x ahhahaha. anyways, it's like APCG week. no school(: but there's tons of home freaking work D: shall deal with it in time. but anyway, I OWE A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE WHO CARED FOR ME AND REMEMBERED MY BIRTHDAY! THANKS A TRILLION<33 I think I owe some people a picture-post. hah. I will when I find the thingy which can be stuck into the computer to extract the pictures I want :D LOL. oh yeah, my phone's officially dead. possibly some darn software problem D: darn near cried when my dad refused to get it repaired. I can't buy a new one yet. I've still got 7 months till I can get a upgrade. anyway, for now, I'd like a W760i. it's pretty! & quite very much like my current phone [imagine more metallic and slimmer] and FOUR GIG! I won't have to fuss over having not enough space for songs anymore :D:D:D haha. well, if I get it and if another look-alike does not 'come out' before Christmas or something(: I'm happy now; got a helluva lot of new stuff from presents and I went shopping with my mom today. got an Adidas bag to store my rolly[quoted from my sis] fencing equipment and a tote from puma(: puma's so I won't have to worry about carrying my files in my hand anymore. and it's a fairly awesome deal. pretty shiny too(: ahhahha. so in a nutshell what I got for my birthday so far- 3 pairs of earrings a blue blouse(: a beach ball Jason Mraz's album! THE love letter pendant a necklace a pink hairclip [my dad got that!] a bar of dark chocolates 2 packs of green tea mochi[guess who gave that manx! but they're delicious:] an entire 5-CD set of ballet contemporary music for choreography purposes a paperchase notebook okay. I can't remember anymore D: sorry if I failed to remember yours! it's just you know, there's quite a lot =x so now Jaslyn, Jun yang and Waye owe me presents (: hahaa. kidding! hmm. there's FENCING tomorrow! can't wait. ahhaha. ALISA TOH, you're a GONE CASE(: be embarrassed darlingg! and Wednesday's GYM competitions! I really really want to see HCI's! guess why! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D then there's class outing! WEDNESDAYWEDNESDAYWEDNESDAY! my holidays are packed(: awesome, no time for history and science PTs D: rah! haha. CANT WAIT TILL SUNDAY! gosh, i'm nuts. andand FRIDAY/SATURDAY. for ruixiong go back to Sweden and come online so I can ask him something! weirder by the second. rah. a silent game of war/love; I'm so sure you know. “The first reaction to truth is hatred" in relation to my previous post about her. I finally see who she really is. and I really hate her above anything else i've ever hated. I'm not angry whatsoever. just hurt so bad the scars will never heal but you know what? I don't really care about what you do and are. but I'll fight your spunk and smack it right back into your poker face. I'm officially 14!! (: Birthdays are awesomexz. Sentosa was brilliant. Ryan's like shuai. but it felt a little empty without you-know-who. but at least I got to see him like day before:D got tons of wonderful presents(: shall do a complete post with pictures soon :D in the mean time, 070708 was cool. the luge rocks(: yeah. later :D simply can't wait. If he came tomorrow, that'd be the best birthday present ever. I came this close to asking him. If only I had the guts to. "A room without books is like a body with no soul." ~Oscar Wilde reading,I swear, is not a nerd thing. truth is, you need to be smart to read. okay, shall stop flattering myself :D but yeah, books are one thing I can't live without. pretty much like food. one more thing, Oscar Wilde's seriously wild. he's damn cool.(: i'm like reading a new book every other day. can't manage everyday- it'd kill all the time I actually have the liberty to have :D hmm, currently on On Thin Ice by Susan Andersen. second book by her. they're nice(: sweeeet. I started it this morning and i'm at 3/4 of it- pg198 I think. which, for my standards, is pretty slow =x hah. Yi Feng was pretty surprised I read so much ((: plus, it rocks to see like Shirlyn, Jing Han, Selene and Yi Feng reading :D LOL. my gosh. just realised how totally geeky I sound. ohhwellls. Got all my equipment today! I'm talking about fencing :D there's like 10 basic pieces. favourite one's my blade! costs about 750 bucks. I hope my dad will not mind =x even if he does, I guess i'll plead with him to get it for me as a birthday present(: my dad's super nice :D:D rah! got to get a bag huge enough to contain all my equipment and bringing it here and there every training! fencing rocks my socks :D too bad my bro's jealous, for some god-forsaken reason. but who cares! FOUR DAYS!!! &3 till I meet you. can't wait. |