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I believe in fairies, I do, I do.
Elaine.0707 RGS Class of 2010 Fencing Ekam Eveileb I'm coming to find you even if it takes all night;♥ |
At your service.
I believe in fairytales; and wonderous imaginary friends talk
Design: doughnutcrazy |
If you cry I'll wipe away all your tears. how much I miss you♥ terribleterrible sore throat D: spammed all the stuff that supposedly cures it but it aint helping much, yet. pipagao tastes good, who knew that man. no wonder my bro's taking it instead of doctor's medicine. was talking about blogging with Deenie before lit exam cuz we were in the library, unable to concentrate mugging lit (how do you do that!) and went around blog surfing. her exact words were "..." wait! I can't remember! damn. something along the lines of in the library before lit exam reading fanfic online. mmhmm. so back to the point, she says my entries are too impersonal! like blog or don't blog doesnt make a difference. (do realise it doesn't even make a difference whether you have a blog or not) but yeah, you get it. i'll try make it more like personal then?! english/lit was alright. wasn't as difficult as I imgined it to be. we (Deenie and I) managed to almost spot the question that was coming out! thank goodness people told us we had to study genre or I'd have like died. Mrs Tan was all themes themes themes. she did cover genre but our class got the impression that themes was all that we were getting to SA. but then she did mention something about it being if it's not this then it's that cuz this has been tested already. uh huh. real confusing. good thing we had 2.5 hours in between to read up like the genre stuff. (which is actually real easy, since they're in my first-few-lessons-of-lit notes.) doesn't matter! Lit didn't kill me that bad(: Film Cluster or normal RS! can't decide. I sort of enjoyed doing both proposals. (aha. maybe not so much the mrevans initiated one but still, it sounds fun) andand Film Cluster cuz Universal Studios♥ was oh-so captivating I wanna work in there too! make sense so far? needs to chiong normal RS proposal due tmr O: so fun doing the FC one last night man. PANADOLPANADOL take my sore throat awayy. every where's mine Dawn: 高十拍! Rach: 告示牌!! Dawn: ohmygod. such a 跛足残废 pun. ;hi-ten! (signboard in chinese) omg. such a lame pun Rachel. optimum spasticism. English and Lit SAs tomorrow! whatonearthamIstilldoingonline!@#$%^&!! ahahahaaa. FRANKENSTEIN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MANxz. D: ohwells. & you don't know how much I miss you♥ "高五! 谁快乐?" Selene's 抄 写 对. "Rach's Hi-five! Selene's WHO'S GAY?" copyright Selene. what happens when we can and must only speak Chinese during Chinese lesson. Mr E: funniest teacher ever. Group nudges Rachel(x9384756 times) to ask Mr Evans if we can eat in class. Rachel gives in and raises hand. Mr E: Wait, Rachel. and Mr E starts discussion about the Big Bang theory and how it can't possibly go against any religion. Group nudges again. Rachel gives in after very long and raises hand. Mr E: Yes Rachel? Rachel: Mr Evans can we eat our cookies? Mr E: Hold on a minute there Rachel. We'll discuss it in a while. Mr E continues with his dang theory. when he's done, Mr E: Why do you think you deserve to eat in class Rachel? RACHEL GETS REALLY FREAKED OUT. :D he finally said we could eat. -Rachel sulks- :D I wouldn't live my life backwards even if I had the choice to. learnt that from The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It's a reallyreally nice movie. gives you a whole new different aspect of life and living. subtly touching, entirely meaningful and sweet. "sweet-hearted film, filled with some truly touching stuff about impermanence, love and loss." eloquent, rapturous. "An unusual conceit brilliantly executed. A moving work of golden fantasy poised just above the dark waters of our own mortality." sums it all up. worth every second of that three hours watching it. watched it with Amelia and Shir! I'm probably gonna go out with them again tomorrow! Shir and I need to get ____'s present (: it's fun being with them. they explicitly bring out the little things in life that's noticed but unsaid. we'll laugh at each other more, dopes :D math and chinese were pretty alright. i'll say math isnt as bad as last year (big smiley) I AM GONNA MUG HARDER FOR MATH THIS YEAR(: no more borderline-pass-aims. elaine's gonna aim a little higher(: i'm done here! and i'm out. it's never too late for you and your white horse. Found a reason. and no, it's got nothing to do with love and all that bullshit. vday! went to the doctor's, grieved over not being able to dance and fence for the next two weeks (but i'm gonna dance tomorrow whocares), tried (not too hard) to study but failed, tuition (!!), freaked out over what mskee would say when I tell her I can't dance AGAIN, dinner, math assignment. a pretty awesome vday. not like I had the time to slot in a date anyway. butbut i'm sad I can't dance ballet. my knee hurts a helluva lot when I do anything funny with it. doctor says it's a strained ligament. andand it's been a month plus since the first time I hurt it during training. oh, and revelation! ballet dancers can't grow tall (but they won't be short). cuz we put too much strain on our leg joints so the force goes down instaed of up something like that, says the doctor. DAMN. tuition was pretty darn fun[: sarah/shasha were unusually high and sophia was unusually un-high. but then blur noel being blur as usual made her hysterical whihc got her high. four girls running on high in tuition class, imagine that. new guy today. acsbarker. sophia and I agreed that acsbarker guys are _____ and _____. insert any negatives you want. watching people dance during lesson made me want to dance real bad too. imma gonna work real hard once my knee heals. wonder if I'd keep to that promise though. NONONO. I AM GONNA WORK REAL HARD, I AM I AM! oh yeah, then during ballet, talked to yangyi. he seems different(: it's like hearing a whole new third side of the story. it's good. man, i don't ever wanna lose a friend like him I guess. andand yangyi if you happen to do read this, ily. happy vday(: my table's now pretty filled with vday gifts and stuff. left school early yesterday so didn't get from celine and manda yet! went out with shir and melia!<33 extreme cuteness but they're super ex! wanted to get rach a bunny but we couldn't fine a nice one D: shall find one tomorrow/some time soon, real soon(: SHIR and I accomplices in crime! We like bullying rachel! hahaha. RACHEL aka. LITTLE MONSTER<33 okay yes well, i finally felt like staying up a little later than usual to blog. good thing, ain't it. Found that shooting star; its called chance. ![]() For the love of the game. |