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I believe in fairies, I do, I do.
Elaine.0707 RGS Class of 2010 Fencing Ekam Eveileb I'm coming to find you even if it takes all night;♥ |
At your service.
I believe in fairytales; and wonderous imaginary friends talk
Design: doughnutcrazy |
ESTHER! sorry this is super late :/ haha Happy Belated Birthday! damn, you practically ripped the present apart though you weren't even supposed to open it): ahhaha. yeah man, you love our ballz. ahha yeah okay. to ESTHER: from 110 to clique to batchmates to rubbish-chute mates to well, mates. (wait nooo haha i didn't mean it like that) thanks for being an awesome friend and being nice to hang out with and talk to<3 if it weren't for you I think secondary school life would be much lonelier! (don't flatter yourself please! ahhaha) if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have found great joy in this thing called fencing. if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to know so much more people (kuan, eh er uhm, pineapple) if it weren't for you, going out wouldn't be so fun. if it weren't for you, I woulnd't know who to go to when I didn't quite know who to talk to sometimes. if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be going around telling people that the hotest guy in SHINee is 'the one Esther like best' because I don't remember his name. ( but I know now, it's KEY!) if it weren't for you there'd be alot of things I would never know hahahahaha! but most of all, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't know the meaning of a friend. Thanks Esther, for everything, I don't even know where to start; You know I love you loads. James Bond has a cute butt. i'm not imagining it. it's all Priscilla(: too bad if you don't get it. but you've just got to know thta PRIS IS THE ONE WHO THINKS THAT, NOT ME!:D this week's been a 'happy week' as Esther calls it(: ahha ESTHER BIRTHDAY TMR! ily dearie! yeapp been totally awesome, despite my total lack of beauty sleep, like 12am every night cuz of going out/shopping/ f-camp proposal and watching teeveee!(: but grah! stupid 2.4 made me miss both training sessions this week): ohh, last friday was tatally awesome. went out with half batch, cel, kuan, jean, ME(: went to lilyput place and celine (smart person) made us walk in circxles for very long before we found the place. then came across CSClub. way cool. spent !"£$%^&16bucks on Sucshi Tei, heck it's toally worth it though and enquired lily put. took unglam pictures on the bus to Parkway Parade then bussed to CHANGI! changi's super nice around. yeapp let pictures do the talking! ![]() memoirs of getting lost. ![]() self-explanatory ahhahahahha ![]() nicest picture yet(: ![]() Barney comehow became one of my many boyfriends. yes, whatever! oh yeah then dinner at waffle town (yeah all the way back there) to meet Sarah and Esther(: allalala KRIS ALLEN's IDOL! :D:D:D okay but i'll admit comparatively, last season was better! DAVID A's the BEST, don't argue thanks(: last night's performance was anythng but impressive. huge disappointment please. highlight of the show was that I put in a damn lot of effort wrapping Esther's present! ESTHER BETTER NOT UNWRAP IT. underlined parts for esther! ahhaha Star Trek yesterday! it's the most awesome movie of the year. I'm totally definitely gonna watch it again while it's in cinemas. it's so different from other films yknow. it makes you listen and think (real hard). wonderfulzzz zcastzz. lovezz ze egzent tozallyz. if you watch it, you'd understand the line above(: VULCANS ARE SO CUTE! they're such nice creatures! SPORKKK(: okay back to Nick and Norah's infinite playlist. I like it. I think that though it's hilarious and sick, it's got it's underlying themes. i really like Nick and Norah as a couple(: okay byebye. it's amazing how he'd make my day; KRIS ALLEN FOR IDOL. I'd say it one more time (&once more &once more) I loved his rendition fo Heartless. I never liked it till I heard Kris/♥ in high spirits that haven't been this high in ages(:(:(: it's byebye exams zomg! and lots of fan girling over guess who. and the movies (again!) and books(I'd admit I read/re-read two books during exam period though) and going out with peeps and fencing!! and basically just feeling so damn awesome again(: ahha let's not count that I've been falling asleep in class today cuz I slept at 12plus yesterday after shopping and watching AI after getting home. did I tell you my mom bought me this pretty skirt from mango! i love it to bits man(: and Celine's months-late birthday present which I'm so totally infatuated with cuz it's TINKERBELL/♥ and I'm so tempted to not give it to her but I'll have to cuz she's ahahahhahaworthahahah giving stuff I don't wanna part with to! CELINE MUST BE DEAD HONOURED OKAY! andand new shiny black flats with pretty stars which my mom was reluctant to get for me at first cuz she said I have too many shoes! but she got it for me in the end!:D:D flats/heels are the love! she was telling me she wanted to get new flats/heels too cuz she didn't have any in black so I told her that I don't have any in black to lol. (not that that worked la) this is such a typical girlish entry that's so unlike me. pffft. blame shopping don't blame me! ahhah tuition was somehow real fun today(: the noise I've learnt to get used to? new guy's _____. haha fill in yourself! and haven't talked to Mindy in ages ahha way cool man. we go back four years(: okay on a side note, I screwed physics and math pretty bad. physics DIDNT GIVE US ENOUGH TIME PLEASE!): and I didn't read some stuff right cuz panicking when I realised I have 2 OE qoestions and 10 minutes?! ohoh! since Ms Tsang's our invigilator, it reminds me of Mindy telling me that Ms Tsang was mesmerised by Celine's sister! haha. "nice heair and nice skin" those were what Mindy said Ms Tsang said. and I kinda agree! Celine be jealous ahhahahhaa. yes man. gonna end here. vivo tomorrow with Alisa and Esther(E hopefully!) fencing campppp! which reminds me, good luck E and other geog-ers for geog paper tomorrow! (we science+lit/hist people have no exam anymore) ahha jkjk(: Elaine bangs into stuff(hurts!) carelessly and speaks too fast when she's really happy. I'm starting with the Man in the Mirror; I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change /♥ I think I'm crazy. phiizeeks exam tomorrow and I went to ps after school, watched gossip girl when I came back and now I'm blogging. ha. I'm gonna devote my time to phiizeeks after this man. YESZOMG PHIIZEEKS LAST PAPER :D:D:D thenthen gonna shop after school tomorrow and then watch all the super damn awesome movies I've been left out on(: omg why can't they make physics paper first thing in the morning rather than last thing! ohhwells. lallaa physicsss(: lets hope I'll do well. am currently nuts over CHUCK BASS. if I were blair waldork, I'D MARRY HIM IMMEDIATELY. where in all of the galaxy would you find a man who loved you so much and do anything for you to make sure you're happy and not be part of everything about you at all. and yeah if I meet a guy like that (if that's even possible), I'd tell ya'll first thing after I marry him LOL chuckbasschuckbasschuckbasss! as I'm typing this, my annoying mom keeps coming in to irritate me! yeah okay whatever. Shirlyn's fan girling(not really, but still) over Westlife's rubbing off me. havent seen them in ages but they still rock man(: haha true, shane's grown a little around the waist and now Mark's looking pretty good(too bad he's gay) and Nick! hahaha I think he managed to look the best till now. but oh wells, they're all proud daddys! can't blame them(: If you didn't know anyway, WESTLIFE's BEEN AROUND FOR TEN YEARS(: this is their tenth(awesome) anniversary. way cool. okayy shall end here go mug phiizeeks elaine! Kris Allen for Idol/♥ Mr charming eyes; Kris Allen ftw. Coach James! happy birthday; :D I miss you like hell. &I know you'll see this. so get it in your head i'm talking about you damnit. hate that it's like that. reconciliation; |