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I believe in fairies, I do, I do.
Elaine.0707 RGS Class of 2010 Fencing Ekam Eveileb I'm coming to find you even if it takes all night;♥ |
At your service.
I believe in fairytales; and wonderous imaginary friends talk
Design: doughnutcrazy |
BLOGGER.IS.STILL.SCREWED! WHYWHYWHY IS PUBLIC ENEMIES NC16!?): &we know it's so brilliant and I can't watch it D: johnnydeppppppp! Pottter. /♥ as much as I love the seven-ology, I've got to be honest about how me in particular felt about the movie. by the way, I know there's a proper word for seven-ology but mine version's cooler. before I say anything, one thing I'd like to put across. J.K Rowling's books are BRILLIANT. the movie's just totally uncomparable. this is gonna be simply dreadful. I feel conflicted. Liking the book makes me want to like the movie though it's really a HUGEMONGOUS disappoinment for me. Didn't help that I just read that book too. WHOOPS. Let's just make it quick by quoting critiques. I thought that the whole thing was incoherent. Books can jump scenes effectively at every chapter and make a lasting impact but not this movie. and yes, Bernice and I were raving about the interesting details and duels that were left out. (yeah, we were complaining every say, ten minutes throughout the movie?) TERRIBLE, I know, but we couldn't help it! (luckily, the seat beside me was empty. Guy a seat away must've been quite annoyed though) and they tweaked the bits they showed so much! A Cliff Notes version of the book that misses every major plot point and narrative thrust. But hey, they certainly picked up on the teen romance. Yey, for them. Worst film Adaptation, Ever!Exactly what I meant. I'd rather they split the movie into parts to make a better adaptation. the book's 600+ pages long and they squished it into 2.5 hours. and yeapp, whatever happned to interesting lessons/obssessions over Malfoy's doings and friendships got drowned out by stupidstupid scenes of Lavender and Ron. (eeeks) momentuous part fo how Potter and Ginny got together totally edited. once-thrilling Quidditch games were shortened and made just plain funny, climax none whatsoever! Apparition lessons and tests, biggest final game of Quidditch, Potter landing in hospital, about 4 pensieve memories all NOTICEABLY excluded. it seemed under-done! EVERYTHING! and since when was the invisibility cloaked left unused and since when was it GREY and DIRTY? nothing spectecular about the setting and I really don't understand why most critiques liked it so much. Plot's undeveloped, thoroughly unclimatic. one thing I enjoyed though, would be the funny parts. and RON who is cute acting dazed and in love. but I felt it seemed like a 2.5 hour teaser than something resembling a movie. doesn't mean I like Radcliffe any less eh. WHAT'S WRONG WITH LIKING DANIEL RADCLIFFE &thinking he looks dashing? I get laughed at by people when I say I think Radcliffe's handsome. PAH! HE TOTALLY IS! you guys just don't have uhm, taste. he's not exactly the most charismatic person by nature but like he's Daniel Radcliffe and so it's fiiine. and he plays he Potter character BRILLIANTLY. not like Pattinson where people watch/like him cuz they think he's hot(not). I'll admit no one surpasses David A though:D On another note, guess what's the craziest present I got so far this year. Back, tattered with stuff that I treasure/like :D FRONT! ZOMG. looks so weird with this in front! then me and Bernice were discussing like front should be for guys and back for girls. as in the big words, yeapp. and guess who gave this to me?! BERNS! SHIR! MELIA!:D trust them to think of something this whacky. even saw "get Elaine's FBTs" written on Bernice's notebook. FUNNINESS:D BERNICE YAU, IF YOU SEE THIS, REPLY YOUR SMS IMMEDIATELY. NOWNOWNOW! Friday remedial changed to right after school at 1210. The Chosen One; ESCAPISM I'd like to leave my life behind. &just go farfarfar away. Neverland; Fencers@FarEast &turning fifteen Blindfolded parades and romantic afternoon teas. (no) water-splooshing and wonderful polaroids. BirthdayBlasts♥ 030709/070709! Awesome birthday this year and thus, thanks to all those who remembered and celebrated for me (in no particular oreder, ya names just come along as my train of thought preceeds): Firstly, to KUAN beloved same-birthday-batchmate! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO DARLING. We're FIFTEEN. How awesome are we! :D Thanks for celebrating with me this afternoon was a total blast, being totally clueless and freaked and doing the blind parade together! would have Celine, Esther, Jean, Celeste, Clara, Steph! dearest fencers who celebrated with us today and organised this whole afternoon for us. (we're really touched). Thanks! :D loves batchie and juniors(celeste included)! special mention to Celine! Yes, I love your present! I'm still finding the perfect place to pin it alright!♥! to Esther! your ego-filled present! hahaha yeapyeap and Celeste! best parade guide ever! ahha loves you muchly Bernice, En-Ting, Shirlyn, Amelia, Deenie, Selene, Rachael, Ying Xin, Jaslyn, Qiao Yoke, Mr Evans, the whole of 313! thanks to those in 313 who wished me, and sang a birthday song for me that made me feel super paiseh but still, best class!♥ Bernice! who really wanted to celebrate with me but oh sucks I was going out with fencers today): it's alright! I know you love me still! hahahah! loves you much-ly too!(not like you don't already know that) En-Ting! for TWO lady-bug chocolates while the rest got one(: hahah now my ladybug doesnt have to cross-breed with Bernice's smelly bumblebee! ahhahaha. manz, look forward to a whole term with you as groupmate! Shirlyn and Amelia! for always being there♥ Deenie! for cordially shouting happy birthday Elaine when I stepped into class(: Selene! for accompanying me for Chinese lesson cuz the two meanies behind felt too lazy to move their butts! and awesome drawing and notebook- keeping then forever! (but I still want a Tinkerbell drawing!) Ping Zheng, Christine, Ling Yue, Yu Qing, Evie best teeny intsy class gathering ever! haha all 6 of us. but, was crazy fun! like getting to know you guys again but at the same time feeling like we've known each other for forever which is kinda true(: and the crazy things we did within that 3hours. like bbq-ing marshmallows over the fire meant for heating fondue! i'll never forget the waiter's expression ever. love you guys to ten thousand trillion pieces(and counting)♥ Christine! Love a squishy huggable cow! and I'm so gonna laminate your pretty darn impressive doodles. Ling Yue! Thanks for Tinkerbell(: wanted to hug you in class today but was awkward! so I'm sending you an air hug :D Kevin Tan, Brendan, Ashleigh, Wenyuan, Beatrice,Waye, Kevin Chan okay I can't remember anymore names and too lazy to check my phone=x thanks and remembering and wishings and endearing words! oh special mention, Kevin Tan! hahah thanks for your present though I havent gotten it yet! yellow or green doesn't matter!♥ I'm gonna find your present I placed somewhere around and give it to you asap(: my family♥ who am I without them? even if I really can't stand them most of the time HAHA. oh and, I know a bunch of you dearies who went searching for Tinkerbewll stuff. They're really hard to find in this part of Earth and am totally touched you guys made the effort. Love you guys! &each and every day, is a passing I refuse to forget. I reallyreally want the entire AUTOBOTS ACTION FIGURES. yknow the is car-robot in-one figures? OptimusPrime/♥ |